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Showing posts from 2019

On Carriage Road in January

I remember specifically the last time suicide, as an option, crossed my mind. It's always a little bit there, underneath the surface of my love for living. That's quite the paradox isn't it? I love life so dang much, I love everything about being alive and on this planet. And also, sometimes my depression comes through my mind, and just lays a blanket on my optimism. It's extremely frustrating. I was staring out the window in the backseat of my parents car. It was January of 2017. The scenes passing me in the window had no color, no life. I felt pure exhaustion. I had spent the morning wondering if life would always be like this, if I would always be this tired from constantly fighting the demons inside of me. Next thing I knew the word suicide shot across my brain. I immediately felt tears just jumping out of my eyes. Right as that level of hopelessness grabbed my wrists, I was terrified. How could I be here AGAIN?! I thought I beat this the past two times I consid...

James & The Giant Peach Rhino Cloud

Every time I feel it I panic. It comes swooping in, stormy and scary. It feels like I’m running from that rhino cloud from James and the Giant Peach. Usually I go into full defense mode; like when you can feel a cold coming on and you start major immune boosting. I pop those Vitamin C supplements, drink some lemon ginger tea, take a bunch of emergen-c, and sleep more. It’s different with depression though, it comes in quick and dark. My hope staggers, my smiles fees forced. Sometimes I just stare into space and don’t know what’s happening in my head or around me. The tears flow more often, or I feel like an empty vessel, numb to anything good around me. Everything feels so very heavy, sitting on my chest, choking both words and joy from my body. Oftentimes I can feel it coming, I get a few warning signs: I want to drink more, I crave running into the mountains, I get irritable quickly with others, and my nails get bitten to bloody stumps. So about a week out I can notice these thi...

A New Partner, a Lover

  find the new beginnings the smell of snow and rain the energy of the moon during transition that fly that lands on your knee in the opening of spring find it in nature you belong there walk into the canyon arms you are an old friend the mother I never had and the father I know too well. a new partner, a lover when the leaves fall and the birds sing on that first silent snowfall, with the moon swinging above in the disarray of the stars and in the trunks that hold the canopy up find your hope search for it in every smell, sight, and feeling believe in it, cling to it, wrap your limbs around it and never let it go.
  12 years ago I carved my first scars. She asked me to help, but couldn't stop. I wanted to help, so I started. 11 years ago I had fallen into a hole of fake smiles and a hatred for myself that I couldn't name. 10 years ago was despair, nothing to believe in except the words on my wrist to convince myself there was something more. 9 years ago I was weightless, skin and bones, and craving the destruction of myself. 8 years ago I was weighed down by you, while carving my skin in secret. 7 years ago it was all new yet the sadness and anger still bleeding from my soul. 6 years ago I was escaping my shelter of shame and confusion to a whole new independent disarray. 5 years ago didn't exist; slathered in hangovers, cigarettes, and mistakes. Blurred from reality. 4 years ago I fell, I slammed, and then I awoke. 3 years ago I questioned, I decided, and I hoped. 2 years ago everything was scary and wild. I was alive on top of mountains, my soul screaming. 1 year ago I felt everyth...

Dear High School

Dear High School, Why are you so manipulative? Why are you so naïve and ignorant? Why do you corner us in this 4 year trap? Why do you portray yourself as a place of endless possibilities and support, but in actuality exist as a cage of deceit and judgement? Why do you tear down our confidence by exaggerating our flaws and faults? Why are you blind to our inner beauty and integrity? Why do you cloud our sanguinity with regret and guilt? Why must you knock us down over and over again, and make it impossible to stand? Why do you hide hope and courage behind an unsolvable puzzle, while placing fear and doubt in front of us? Why do you desensitize us to empathy and trust? Will you ever let us win this treacherous battle? Dear High School, I am lost and confused. I've been left behind in the dust of manipulation and lies. I've been bemused byy the deception and invective words thrown in my face. I've been past my breaking point, but now I've been assembled. Each mistak...

A Teenager to her Father

I wish I could go back. Back to when I was falling asleep on you at church, with you gently playing with my hair. Drifting in and out as the preacher's words float around my head. I wish we were back there. Back to the innocence and simplicity of life. Back to when I was your pure perfect angel...unable to cause harm. I wish we didn't have to fight. About curfew and boys. About right and wrong. I wish we weren't so similar. Stubborn and persistent. Caring and opinionated. I wish we weren't so different. "Good versus Bad" My hatred for confrontation, and your love of expression. I wish you were my best friend. Calling you when I'm caught. Asking you for advice and homework help. I wish I didn't screw up. Or let you down over and over again. I wish I hadn't bruised and broken your image of me. I wish you still looked at me with hope. I wish the disappointment would leave your eyes. I wish I still made you smile, and nev...

Am I as Strong as Yesterday?

Me: I hate these days. The days where the walls close in on you, the ceiling falls towards you, and the air crushes you. The air feels like a mix of Elmer's Glue and glass shards.............I always loved peeling Elmer's Glue off my hand. You can't fill your lungs. You're trying to get oxygen to your fingers and toes, but the glue has seeped into your veins, into your bones. A permanent block in your lifeway channel. It's all just a little harder on these days. Harder to smile, harder to move, harder to sit, harder to eat, to drink. Even harder to take a hit. I hate these days. The days that challenge my every thought. That remind me of my unerasable past. That past that continually lines my thoughts and actions. The days that fill me with doubt. Am I as strong as I was yesterday? Why is this happening today? Where did the hope go. It was just here! That flower I smelled yesterday, that dash of sunlight that turned the sagebrush into an enchanting st...