To my Mother
To My Mother's Feet.
Thank you for carrying me, through the woods when I refused to keep going.
Through my pain when I thought it was too much to handle.
Through my cuts and scratches as I explored the world.
The bones that hold you up, that taught me what it feels like to stand and to move myself through the world.
To My Mother's Arms.
Thank you for rocking me to sleep for years when you were tired and couldn't hold anymore, thank you for still holding.
Thank you for playing with my hair, braid after braid.
For scratching my back when you wanted to do anything else.
Thank you for hugging me, holding me close, tight, and never letting go.
To My Mother's Hands.
The hands that bandaged my wounds, bandage-able or not.
Thank you for wiping my tears, catching them in your own.
Thank you, hands, for clapping for me through sports, my words, my fears, and my battles.
The hands that pushed me forward to be my best.
To My Mother's Voice.
That soothed me through pain, heartbreak, and doubt.
Thank you for reading to me at night, for yelling at referees for my pride.
Thank you for the praise, the "you can do it"s and the "i love you"s.
To My Mother's Eyes.
Your heterochromia iridum that saw the beauty and potential in me decades before I saw it in myself.
Thank you for SEEING me from day 1 and continue to see me today.
It's a different kind of seeing, one that is full of love, empowerment, and hope.
Thank you for seeing my struggle and reaching out, offering your arms, heart, and soul to heal my wounds.
To My Mother's Heart.
Thank you for taking her to my Father.
Thank you for listening to the love it screamed at you, that pushed you to him despite challenges that were dropped in your way.
Thank you for that love in creating me and bringing me into this world.
To My Mother's Smile.
For laughing with me, creating laughter in me.
Thank you for playing peek-a-boo with me, capturing images of my growth as a laugher in this world.
The smile that lights up a room, that consistently provides rays of joy to those around you.
To My Mother's Pain,
Thank you for my birth pain, your mountain pain, and your "I had a radio land on me pain".
The pain that is a part of your journey, the story behind your bones and your soul.
Thank you for holding that pain and not letting it win.
Thank you for giving her strength and belief that things DO get better.
To My Mother's Mind.
That taught me to read, that sat with patience as I learned letters and US History.
Thank you for passing your wisdom and knowledge to me, and encouraging me to keep learning.
To My Mother's Soul.
That holds pain, sorrow, grief, joy, hope, love, and trust all wrapped up in it.
That believes in laughter and happiness as a part of life.
Thank you for sharing with me.
To My Mother's Body.
I love your body, It was a vessel for me to grow, that created my own body to thrive in.
It's a lap that I will always love laying on, arms to hold me forever.
To My Mother.
I Love You.
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