I've been feeling extreme gratitude for my journey. I spoke to a friend about making intimate eye contact with yourself recently (yes, I know this sounds crazy). She said that sometimes staring into her eyes in the mirror gives her panic attacks...when she stated this I was overwhelmed with empathy and understanding. Only about a year ago when I was smothered in this self-love journey I would try and stare into my soul in the mirror and always end up on the floor hyperventilating and sobbing, scared of what I would see. Scared of who would be looking back at me. I was in such a fragile place in those months, unsure of who I was, and terrified to find out. Terrified to reach into my soul and forgive and heal the pain and wounds that were twisted into me. When you think about it we very rarely make eye contact with ourselves. We know the power of eye contact in relationships with others, the eyes are the mirror to the soul. But it's "weird" to just stare into your own...
A blog of repairing your broken pieces with gold.